BM Road Service System

BM Road Service System

The BM ROAD SERVICE SYSTEM™ is a management system adapted for operation and maintenance work on roads and parks, and can be used by both orderers and performers.

About BM Road Service System

The BM Road Service System is a digital management system for operation and maintenance work in streets and parks. The system automates the entire process from planning to invoicing, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced costs. This streamlining contributes to safer roads, reduced environmental impact and improved working environment.

By digitising your business with our modern management system, you not only get informed decisions, but also fast and necessary information delivered to the right people on time.

With extensive experience of GPS-based management systems for operation and maintenance and more than 10,000 connected field resources, we have a solid knowledge and experience and are the industry leaders in operation and maintenance in Scandinavia.

Want to know more?

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BM Road Service System includes



The performer’s tool with map support for automated reporting of recurring work in streets and parks such as snow clearing, lawnmowing, etc.



Complete office tool for planning, optimising, managing, monitoring and invoicing operations and maintenance work.



App for on-call management and receiving call-out messages.



Performer’s tool with map support for inspection, reporting, registration, order management of damage, defects and various types of inventory.

BM Road Service System in brief

Road Maintenance
Work involving recurrent planned action on roads or green areas, e.g. snow clearing, skid prevention, sand removal, well clearing, lawnmowing.

Check and Repair
Work to address defects and deviations — broken railings, potholes, etc.

Work Order
Work pertaining to work orders and time/mtrl reporting for all types of tasks.

Material Transport
Work with material transports involved in, e.g. pavement work.

BM Dynamic Routes™

We are at the forefront of innovation with custom navigation support, a digital call-out service, advanced route optimisation and sprayer control.

Our award-winning service, BM Dynamic Routes™, was named Innovation of the Year according to SBUF 2019. It combines several of our cutting-edge innovations and also benefits from the detailed road condition forecasts available today.

Digitisation work

Planning phase

This phase starts with a review of the business and its initial existing needs in terms of, e.g. follow-up, remuneration models and the most appropriate ways of working. The road network and maintenance objects of the business are digitalised or uploaded from NVDB, maintenance work is planned and optimised, and appropriate vehicle resources are allocated.

Installation phase

The management system is installed quickly and easily, and the staff receives training about the new work processes and digital tools.

Operational phase

After installation, it is no longer a question of managing a static system. Rather, the challenge is to constantly seek out new improvements that improve quality or reduce costs. As knowledge of the new tools increases, work methods are refined and developed, allowing streamlining and quality improvements to be implemented at a rapid pace. If you have a problem, our support department will spring into action to help and our business consultants are always eager to hear your thoughts and new ideas.